Overdone! Practicing Wellness in Busy Families

Bowman Regional Public Library 18 Divide Street East, Bowman, ND, United States

The class will give you the tools to evaluate your family's schedule to determine if it is too full. We will see one time and after that we will connect during the following weeks via email and social media with various interactive learning experiences. Sounds easy, right? Contact the Bowman County Extension Service to register!

Pi day

Bowman Regional Public Library 18 Divide Street East, Bowman, ND, United States

March 14th is Pi Day (3.14) and in celebration of this mathematical day, we will be serving pie at the library! Come celebrate everything pie! No math will be involved. Share tools, tips, and favorite recipes.  Pie will be provided, but feel free to bring your favorite to share. Free will offering!