Worry Hearts

Carry these hearts with you to keep worries at bay. This craft is especially useful for the first day of school, but can be used for any time! It would also make a heartfelt gift! ( no pun intended!) There are a few different ways you can use this project and feel free to customize it to your liking.

Worry hearts work as a tangible thing that your child can hold on to when they are nervous to help relieve their anxiety. It is a great tool to have with them. Whenever they feel they need a boost of encouragement, all they have to do is pull a heart from their bag and either hold it in their hand or put it in their pocket.

The heart shape reminds them that they are loved even when they can’t be close to you. When filling the bag, you can tell your child something you love about them for each heart as it goes in.
To make:

You will need a scissor, felt, glue, a small pouch, and any glitter or markers you would like to add extra enhancements to your bag or hearts.

Cut different-sized hearts out of the included felt. You can fold it in half and cut to get the most even shaped hearts. If you would like to decorate them further, now would be the time to do so.

Save one heart and glue it onto your bag. Decorate the bag any way that you wish. Once the hearts are dry, place them in the bag. As mentioned above, you could tell your child something you love about them for each heart as you put it in the bag. Send the bag with them, and they can grab a heart when they need!!!

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